Continuing Medical Education in Culinary Medicine

culinary medicine continuing education spoons with nuts

Hands-on Cooking Classes

Our continuing medical education in culinary medicine series provides health professionals, including Physicians, Physician Assistants, Registered Dietitians, Pharmacists, Nurse Practitioners, Nurses, and Certified Diabetes Educators, with evidence-based information on dietary education for patients. We teach important nutrition concepts through hands-on cooking classes to help you have a practical, actionable dialogue with your patients about lifestyle change.

Our evidence-based curriculum translates current research literature for use in your day-to-day practice.  Each module combines self-directed online learning in preparation for class.  Classes offer up to 5 hours of continuing education credits per module.

In-Person Classes

View Upcoming In-person Classes and Sign Up Now!

In-person classes run 3 hours, with a small amount of preparation expected prior to attending class. You will receive further instruction after signing up for the course.

Classes are offered in Washington, DC as well as Health meets Food partner sites across the country.

  • $200 per class for health professionals
  • Registration closes one week prior to scheduled class

Virtual Classes

View Upcoming Virtual Classes and Sign Up Now!

Classes run about 3 1/2 hours, with a small amount of preparation expected prior to attending class. You will receive further instruction after signing up for the course.  At least two classes are offered each month.

  • $150 per class for health professionals
  • Registration closes one week prior to scheduled class


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