The Certified Culinary Medicine Specialist (CCMS) designation identifies clinicians who have a unique foundation for incorporating healthy eating into patients’ diets: comprehensive knowledge of nutrition and the culinary techniques to prepare food that is consistent with real-world budgets, time constraints, and nutritional ideals.
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Certified Culinary Medicine Specialist by the American College of Culinary Medicine
Enhanced Quality of Care
Through certification, clinicians will enhance their confidence and quality of care by learning how to:
• Explore the implications of diet on overall health
•. Enhance the quality of patient counseling
• Improve the management of diet-related chronic diseases.
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What are the eligibility requirements?
- Physicians — Currently registered as a practicing physician in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia or South Africa. A copy of current license must accompany application.
- Nurse Practitioners — Currently registered as a Nurse Practitioner (NP) in the United States or Canada. A copy of current license must accompany application.
- Nurse — Currently registered as a practicing nurse in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia or South Africa. A copy of current license must accompany application.
- Physician Assistants — Currently registered as
a Physician Assistant (PA) in the US or Canada. A copy of current license must accompany application.
- Registered Dietitians — Currently registered as
a practicing dietitian in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia or South Africa. A copy of current license must accompany application. - Masters and Doctorate Level Nutritionists — Currently registered as a practicing nutritionist in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia or South Africa or teaching nutrition in an academic setting. A copy of current license or C.V. must accompany application.
- Pharmacists — Currently registered as a practicing pharmacist in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia or South Africa. A copy of current license must accompany application.
Featuring a hybrid 60-credit curriculum comprised of online education, live conference learning, and hands-on teaching kitchen modules, the CCMS program is designed for those passionate about integrating dietary intervention into their practice strategies and will equip candidates with the nutritional knowledge and culinary skills to optimize health management.
View the program's hybrid curriculum Frequently Asked QuestionsFeaturing a hybrid 30+ module curriculum comprised of online education and hands-on teaching kitchen modules as well as optional conference learning, the CCMS program is designed for those passionate about integrating dietary intervention into their practice strategies and will equip candidates with the nutritional knowledge and culinary skills to optimize health management
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