Lala Briskman is an NCCPA board certified Physician Assistant, practicing in Gastroenterology. She graduated with honors from Physician Assistant Program at SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University in 2012 and currently works on her Doctorate degree in Medical Science at A.T. Still University. She also holds a Master’s degree in Mathematics and a Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry. Her lifelong passion for science and medicine along with love to cooking inspired her to study culinary medicine to improve her knowledge about pharmacologic properties of food. She applies culinary medicine principles to her everyday practice, educating her patients to optimize their diet for improving their health. She consults patients with various gastrointestinal disorders through creating individualized dietary plans, help them to modify their eating habits to improve nutrition and reduce GI symptoms. She thinks that culinary medicine is about “eating smart” while enjoying the food.
Favorite Quote: “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food” (attributed to Hippocrates).